Surah Al Maidah Ayat 35 Tafseer In Urdu
Tafsir quraish shihab diskusi hai orang orang yang beriman bertakwalah kamu kepada allah artinya takutlah akan siksa nya dengan jalan menaati nya dan carilah jalan kepada nya yaitu jalan yang akan mendekatkan dirimu kepada nya dengan jalan taat dan ibadah dan berjihadlah pada jalan nya maksudnya untuk meninggikan agama nya semoga kamu beruntung atau beroleh keberhasilan.
Surah al maidah ayat 35 tafseer in urdu. ي ا أ ي ه ا ال ذ ين آم ن وا ات ق وا الل ه و اب ت غ وا إ ل ي ه ال و س يل ة و ج اه د وا ف ي س ب يل ه ل ع ل ك م. Tafseer surah al ma idah in detail by dr. They ask you o beloved prophet. Listen surah maidah ayat 35 recited by shaikh abd ur rahman as sudais shaikh su ood.
Bertakwalah kalian kepada allah dengan menjalankan perintah perintah nya dan menjauhi larangan larangan nya. Wahai orang orang yang beriman. Quran academy 36 k model town lahore pakistan phone. Surah name arabic meaning revelation total verses order place 1 al fatihah الفاتحة the opening 5 7 2 al baqarah اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ the cow 87 286 3 aale imran ا ل عمران the family of imran 89 200 4.
Surat al anbiya ayat 25. Surah al maidah urdu meaning and complete tafseer in local urdu language. Verse 35 verse 36 verse 37 verse 38 verse 39 verse 40 verse 41 verse 42 verse 43 verse 44 verse 45 verse 46 verse 47 verse 48 verse 49 verse 50. Tafsir al maidah ayat 35 9 50 pm add comment 005 al maidah.
Surat al maʼida is the 5th chapter of holy book quran karim and 120 verses ayat the surah subjects incorporate creatures which are taboo esa and musa jesus and moses islamic missions. Israr ahmed for more detail. Allâh azza wa jalla berfirman. Surah al ma idah المائدة 5 1 o believers.
Arabic text with urdu translation. What has been made lawful to them say you good and pure things havebeen made lawful to you and what hunting animals you have trained for hunting teaching them of what allahhas taught you then eat of what they leave catch for you after hunting and pronounce the name of allahover it and remain fearing allah undoubtedly allah is swift in taking account.